Spinal Hematoma Treatment in Central NJ

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Spinal Hematoma Treatment

Dr. John D. Lipani provides state-of-the-art neurosurgery in New Jersey and treatment options for patients with spinal hematoma. Spinal hematoma is a collection of blood in and around the spinal cord and/or nerve roots that compresses the neural elements. The collection of blood occurs due to a hemorrhage of a blood vessel in the surrounding tissue. The size of spinal hematomas can vary considerably and depending on their location, symptoms can range from no symptoms to frank paralysis.

There are two types of spinal hematoma: spinal epidural hematoma and spinal subdural hematoma. In spinal epidural hematoma, blood accumulates in the epidural space, while in spinal subdural hematoma, blood accumulates in the subdural space. The dura is a layer of tissue that covers the spinal cord and provides a protective barrier that allows for retention of spinal fluid. Spinal hematomas may occur due to injury, lumbar puncture or they may occur spontaneously in patients with coagulation problems.

Spinal hematoma symptoms include local back pain, radicular (nerve root) pain or numbness and weakness in the arm or leg. In most cases, spinal hematoma is a neurosurgical emergency, and proper evaluation should be performed immediately. Treatment efforts are focused on preventing further hemorrhage and decompressing the neural elements to prevent permanent neurologic dysfunction. Dr. Lipani will identify the cause of spinal hematoma and prevent complications in surrounding areas using emergency spinal hematoma surgery.

For more information on spinal hematoma, contact the office of Dr. John D. Lipani at (609)-890-3400 today!

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Spinal Hematoma Treatment in Central NJ