Craniopharyngioma Treatment in Central NJ

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Craniopharyngioma Treatment

Dr. John D. Lipani provides state-of-the-art neurosurgery in New Jersey, including treatment for craniopharyngioma. This condition is a type of benign tumor that forms near the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. Dr. Lipani has written a book chapter about craniopharyngioma in Cyberknife Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Brain, Volume 1. He also wrote an abstract for the 5th Annual Cyberknife Users’ Meeting in California, titled "Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Recurrent and Residual Craniopharyngiomas." With exceptional skill, knowledge and expertise, Dr. Lipani provides the most advanced treatment options for craniopharyngioma.

Like many tumor types, the exact cause of craniopharyngioma is not known, and these tumors may cause a variety of symptoms. These tumors grow in a very important part of the brain near the optic nerves, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Craniopharyngioma symptoms may include changes in vision, behavioral changes or hormonal imbalances. Detecting the tumor early is an important step to preventing long-term permanent damage. Other symptoms of craniopharyngioma include the following:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of balance or trouble walking
  • Increase in thirst or urination
  • Unusual sleepiness or change in energy level
  • Short stature, slow growth or delayed puberty

Craniopharyngioma treatment usually consists of a combination of hormone therapy, brain surgery, radiation therapy or radiosurgery. If the tumor has a classic appearance on a CT scan, a biopsy may not be necessary if treatment with radiation alone is planned. This kind of craniopharyngioma treatment consists of a technique in which a high dose of radiation can be delivered to the tumor target. Dr. Lipani offers both surgical and radiosurgical treatment for craniopharyngioma in an effort to improve and protect patients' quality of life.

For more information about craniopharyngioma or our craniopharyngioma treatment, contact the office of Dr. John D. Lipani at (609)-890-3400 today!

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Craniopharyngioma Treatment in Central NJ