Astrocytoma Treatment in Central NJ

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Astrocytoma Treatment

Dr. John D. Lipani has the knowledge, experience and expertise to offer state-of-the-art astrocytoma neurosurgical treatment in New Jersey. Astrocytomas develop from glial cells called astrocytes that make up part of the supportive tissue of the brain. These tumors may occur in many parts of the brain, but are mostly found in the cerebrum. Unfortunately, people of all ages can develop astrocytomas, but they are more prevalent in middle-aged men.

Classified in three different categories, astrocytomas can be benign or malignant. Astrocytoma symptoms also vary depending on the aggressiveness of the tumor type and where it is located in the brain or spine. The following is a list of astrocytoma symptoms:

  • Persistent headaches
  • Double or blurred vision
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Changes in mood and personality
  • Changes in ability to think and learn
  • Seizures
  • Speech difficulty of gradual onset

Dr. Lipani offers a variety of astrocytoma treatment options that may depend on the tumor location and its size. Astrocytoma treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, radiosurgery and chemotherapy. The main goal of surgery is to remove as much of the tumor as possible without injuring brain tissue required for neurological function. Radiosurgery is a treatment method that uses computerized calculations to focus high dose radiation at the site of the tumor while minimizing the radiation dose to the surrounding brain. Lastly, patients undergoing chemotherapy are administered special drugs designed to destroy tumor cells. Dr. Lipani understands that each patient deserves an individualized approach using a variety of treatment options to achieve the desired outcome.

For more information about astrocytoma or our astrocytoma treatment, contact the office of Dr. John D. Lipani at (609)-890-3400 today!

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Astrocytoma Treatment in Central NJ