Metastatic Colon Cancer Treatment in NJ

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Metastatic Colon Cancer Treatment

Dr. John D. Lipani is a board-certified, fellowship-trained neurosurgeon and specialist in complex brain and spine surgery including metastatic colon cancer. Dr. John Dr. Lipani offers advanced treatment options for metastatic colon cancer that spreads to the brain and spine. Metastatic colon cancer affects the lowest part of the digestive system, the large intestine and the rectum. Metastatic colon cancer occurs when the disease spreads to distant sites such as the lungs, liver, brain and spine. When tumors develop within the brain or spine, there is serious risk for permanent neurologic dysfunction. Dr. Lipani specializes in both operative and non-operative treatment options that stop tumor growth in the brain and spine and protect neurologic function. Dr. Lipani's treatment for metastatic colon cancer focuses on controlling progression of disease to maintain a high quality of life.

Metastatic colon cancer spreads to different parts of the body by several different mechanisms. Cancer cells can invade nearby healthy tissue via direct spread from one place to another. Cancer cells can also spread through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. When cancer cells reach a critical mass in a specific location, they form a metastatic tumor in a new location that can compress surrounding tissue such as brain tissue or spine tissue. Symptoms vary depending on the location of the metastatic tumor. Metastatic colon cancer symptoms of the brain and spine may include the following:

  • Headaches or pressure in the head
  • Disturbance in vision
  • Seizures
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Behavioral/personality changes
  • Back pain, arm pain and/or leg pain

Dr. Lipani's pledge is to stop metastatic colon cancer tumor growth and help patients maintain a healthy quality of life. Using cutting-edge technology, including image-guided brian and spine surgery as well as non-invasive radiosurgery, Dr. Lipani offers state-of-the-art treatment options that are not available at most treatment centers.

For more information on metastatic colon cancer treatment, contact the office of Dr. John D. Lipani at (609)-890-3400 today!

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Metastatic Colon Cancer Treatment in NJ