Pinched Nerve Treatment in Central NJ

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Pinched Nerve Treatment

Dr. John D. Lipani is dedicated to providing his patients with surgical and non-invasive radiosurgery procedures for the brain and spine. As an expert in neurosurgery in New Jersey, Dr. Lipani specializes in pinched nerve treatment. A pinched nerve occurs when there is nerve compression or pressure on a nerve. This pressure can be caused by repetitive movements or by keeping your body in one position for an extended amount of time. It can be difficult to diagnose where your pinched nerve is located because pain in one area of your body may result from a pinched nerve in another area. However, proper neurosurgical evaluation will help localize exactly which nerve is being compressed and how to treat it.

There are many pinched nerve symptoms depending on where your pinched nerve is located (e.g. neck or low back). Whether you have a pinched nerve in your neck or a pinched nerve in your lower back, the most typical pinched nerve symptoms include muscle pain, numbness, tingling pins and needles sensation, muscle weakness and stiffness. Pinched nerve symptoms may worsen during sleep. Dr. Lipani offers definitive surgery for pinched nerves refractory to conservative therapy and those that cause significant symptoms.

There are many initial pinched nerve treatments including physical therapy, injections, medications, support braces and pinched nerve exercises. Pinched nerve exercises work by strengthening your core muscles and decreasing or even eliminating the pressure on your nerve root. If your pinched nerve fails to respond to non-surgical pinched nerve treatments, pinched nerve surgery may be your best solution.

For more information on pinched nerves or to learn about pinched nerve surgery, contact the office of Dr. John D. Lipani at (609)-890-3400 today!

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Pinched Nerve Treatment in Central NJ