Bone Spurs Treatment in Central NJ

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Bone Spurs Treatment

Dr. John D. Lipani is a board-certified, fellowship-trained neurosurgeon praciticing state-of-the-art neurosurgery in New Jersey. Dr. Lipani specializes in bone spur treatment. Bone spurs, also referred to as osteophytes, are small outgrowths of bone that occur in more than half of people who are over the age of 60. Bone spurs normally develop in the joints where two bones meet. As a normal sign of aging, bone spurs only become a problem if one suffers from pain or neurological issues when the bone spurs compress nerve tissue. Dr. Lipani treats bone spurs in the neck and bone spurs in the lower back.

Bone spurs are normally caused by local inflammation due to osteoarthritis or tendonitis. Bone spurs also develop in the surrounding cartilage or tendons due to injury. The inflamed or injured areas produce atypical bone growth in places bones do not typically grow. This atypical bone growth is scalloped and curved and is not painful on its own. Bone spurs cause pain when they grow into and compress spinal nerves, the spinal cord, intervertebral discs or blood vessels.

Those with bone spurs can experience a variety of bone spur symptoms including dull neck pain, neck stiffness, headaches, pain in the shoulders and arms, and numbness and weakness in arms, hands, legs or feet. Spinal bone spurs also produce a variety of symptoms including severe back pain, weakness in the extremities, limited movement and numbness.

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Dr. Lipani is dedicated to providing patients with both surgical remedies for treatment of bone spurs including minimally invasive techniques for a speedy recovery and minimal discomfort. For more information about bone spur treatment options, contact the office of Dr. John D. Lipani at (609)-890-3400 today!

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Bone Spurs Treatment in Central NJ